Set Up Voicemail Android
You need to open the menu after the phone app by selecting the hamburger menu from the top left screen. Moving to another option setup and enter the voicemail number.
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Activating voicemail on an android phone 1.

Set up voicemail android. How to set up voicemail greetings on android smartphone devices. You can set up your voicemail on your android phone directly from the phone s keypad or its voicemail app if it features one. Press and hold the 1 key on the keypad.
Turn your phone on and tap the phone app as if you were going to call a person. How to set up voicemail on android first you ll want to open up your built in phone app. Then go to the account section in the menu.
The actual setup method varies depending on your cell phone provider. Open the google fi application. Now from the settings select the voicemail option on your phone app.
Open the default phone or call app and press the settings option on top of the screen of your android phone. If you are using stock android then you will have three vertical dots on the top right corner of the screen. Get to the dial screen and press and hold the number 1 to start a call to your voicemail service.
Tap on voicemail service and select my carrier or my operator. First of all go to call settings on your phone. Turn on the power for your phone and open the phone app.
Now in the phone settings option tap on the voicemail manage greeting option. If it s your first time setting up voicemail you ll likely see a message that says no voicemail number is stored on the card if pressing this button dials your voicemail service listen to the prompts for instructions on completing the setup process. Select the call settings option and under that select voicemail.
Tap on voicemail select sim card if you re using multiple sim cards choose your carrier as service for your operator. You can find this option under settings or in the settings of your dialer app. Select voicemail and then select my carrier or my operator.
As already mentioned the steps might be slightly different for various phone apps but should still be along similar lines. On some android devices you can also setup voicemail by following these steps. With this you have successfully set up voicemail on android.
This setting varies differently for different devices. With that said if you have any queries do let us know in the comments section.
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